Do you love the feeling of fresh grass under your feet? The scent of fragrant herbs in the fresh air? The preparation for another adventure? The rustle of trees? The feeling of calm, peace, and the closeness of a loved one beside you? Silence and tranquility away from stress? Yet still in maximum comfort? That’s exactly why we built the Cottage under Cárinka. In the heart of the unexplored area of Poloniny. In a place where the sky is the most beautiful in Europe. It’s up to you what you will discover in this REGION.
A romantic stay under the stars, peace and quiet away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, an unusual home office, unforgettable team building, a reunion after years in a beautiful setting, a family celebration with everything the kids need. Or can’t you fit a sleepover at home after the wedding? An adventurous camping trip with the kids in safety and comfort. Or a pedal to the metal and pushing your limits. It’s up to you. You are welcome!
Homeoffice without WiFi will not be possible. So we've prepared plenty of power sockets and a strong WiFi network for you.
Complete equipment from fork to pot.
Your electric bikes need to be recharged too. We are preparing comfortable charging for them.
Showers, toilets, clean running water, electrical outlets are an absolute must for us.
DUO sauna, whirlpool bath, cooling room and rattan loungers
Although our capacity could contain more beds, we have decided to keep the comfort and peaceful atmosphere in their smaller number. To make your stay truly undisturbed.
You won't believe your own ears. No bustle of the city. Only the psssssssst and here and there the sound of nature.
Access to clean running water to wash your bike or helmets after your adventures : )
Being at the cottage and no fragrant barbecues? No way! The fireplace is ready for you. Help yourself!
Local, lovely and high quality. We prepare souvenirs that will delight you and your loved ones. But put the stamp of our cottage in your passport.
I admit that the way to the cottage is a bit longer. But, once you’re there, it’s a blast! Clean, fragrant space, there’s a lot of space everywhere. And the TOPKA? The jacuzzi, tub and sauna are a wonderful addition. I recommend!
Chalupa pod Carinkou in Zboj is an ideal place for a family stay. We were three families with small children and we all enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, the safe yard and the comfortable furnishings of the cottage. Everything was clean, cozy and perfectly prepared – we will definitely be back!
It’s absolutely TOP for a group of young people who like hiking. After each tour we relaxed in the jacuzzi, bathtub and sauna. great vibe. The surroundings are beautiful and we definitely want to get to know them better.
Zboj is a perfect place for tourists who love history and traditions. We visited wooden temples, got to know Starina and had an authentic experience of baking bread. In addition to beautiful walks in nature – the atmosphere of this place is unforgettable!
We spent a few great days here on e-bikes. We tried out new cycling routes. After the ride, a cozy cottage was always waiting for us, where we could relax and recharge. We will definitely come back here!
We had a reunion of classmates at the cottage after years. Pleasant environment, fireplace, wine, large table, enough space for all of us. We lacked nothing and the peace and quiet is truly priceless. The cottage is perfectly equipped
Turistika a príroda?
Okolie ponúka množstvo turistických trás, vrátane výstupu na Kremenec, Rjabu skalu a Ruské sedlo. Prejdite sa pralesmi a objavte krásu Ďurkovca, Stužice a Kamennej lúky. V tejto divokej prírode môžete stretnúť zubry a užiť si nádherné výhľady. Nezabudnite na Tri studničky a prechod po Hrebeni Polonínskych Karpát, ktorý vás zavedie k Stretu troch hraníc Slovenska, Poľska a Ukrajiny.
Drevené chrámy
Za návštevu stoja krásne drevené chrámy, ktoré sú zapísané ako národné kultúrne pamiatky a sú súčasťou UNESCO. Nezabudnite sa zastaviť v miniskanzene drevených kostolíkov v obci Ulič, kde sú vystavené verné miniatúry týchto unikátnych pamiatok.
Okolie ponúka skvelé cyklotrasy vrátane medzinárodnej cyklotrasy Zelený bicykel, ktorá vás zavedie cez nádhernú prírodu. Pre tých, ktorí preferujú pohodlnejšiu jazdu, je k dispozícii požičovňa e-bike. Na trasách s dĺžkou viac ako 250 km si užijete jazdu lesmi, lúkami a krásnym krajom mimo obcí, s možnosťou zastávky pri Medovej Babe, kde sa dozviete viac o miestnych tradíciách.
Musíte vidieť!
Navštívte Domček Deduška Večerníčka v Novej Sedlici, rozprávkové múzeum s autentickou slamenou strechou, kde ožíva čaro detstva. Objavte miesto plné nostalgie a krásy na hranici divokej prírody Polonín!
We are most happy for you to enjoy the cottage in a private setting. So if you are planning an unforgettable teambuilding event, a large family or school reunion, a family celebration, simply any occasion, where the whole property is yours alone, then this is the place for you. Trust us!
Sorry, but no. We know it’s a complication, but we are allergic ourselves and can put ourselves in the shoes of our guests.
Because that’s why! An area unkissed by tourism, privacy, silence, the darkest skies in Central Europe and we take care of the comfort. After all, it’s boring to visit Štrbské pleso several times in a row…
Try something that smells of adventure and the unknown.
Are you kidding?! It’s a kingdom for children! Outside, less than 2 metres from the cottage is a giant soft-surfaced playground. Large terrace, gazebo, there is more than enough space for the kids to run around.
So, we’ll leave the food up to you. We’re not very good at cooking : ) But you have a fully equipped kitchen at your disposal. No battered granny mugs, but new, clean, fresh equipment just for you. Bon appetit!
It’s not healthy : ) But we thought of you too. Outside in front of the cottage in the dry and comfort also waiting for you a ready area.
Of course! We want our cottage to last as long as possible. So please remember that we are not suitable for pets. Bachelor parties or wild parties with music by Vondráčková will also not be suitable for you. And as a reminder, we are not the place to process meat after a hunt. We’re simply for anyone who wants their stay to be laid back and relaxing.
We’d be sorry, but it happens. In general, if anything happens – please give us a call. We don’t bite and are happy to advise.
After binding confirmation of your reservation, we will send you all important information by email. We will arrange the key and wish you a pleasant stay : )
The Stužica room is an ideal place for couples. A honeymoon, a Valentine's Day stay, or a trip with your child will be truly unforgettable. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The Kamenná lúka room is ideal for even the most demanding guests. It offers the highest possible comfort and elegance of the Business style. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The Borsuk room is here for lovers of luxury. When you want to take a break from the average from time to time and get unforgettable memories. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The Vihorlat room is the perfect place for an undisturbed HOME OFFICE. You will find everything you need for you and your work. No compromises. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The Ublianka room is prepared for a family. Plenty of space, guaranteed comfort and many opportunities for entertainment. The room has its own toilet and shower.
The Kremenec room is the best we offer. Elegance, comfort and convenience for an enjoyable stay. The room has its own toilet and shower.
„This website has been created thanks to the financial support from the EU within the project
„Cottage under Cárinka – alteration of the building“
ubytovanie zboj poloniny chata
chalupa carinka booking airbnb home office dovolenka cestovanie turistika slovensko východ teambulding rodina oslava pobyt homeoffice stretávka kosice prenajom svadba